The 5-litre tub of Black Grit is an excellent way of adding a black fleck to mortars, renders and plasters to match traditional wood ash mortars.
This product is mainly used to make the black fleck finish that has been used to match old mortars and renders across the United Kingdom. Our black grit is the perfect finishing touch for any restoration project. In many traditional mortars, wood ash was used and will tend to have a distinctive black fleck throughout. We use black grit in most applications that require us to match these traditional building mortars.
Black Grit is ideal for creating that authentic black fleck finish for new mortars and renders or to recreate the look of yesteryear. Black grit creates a tough, durable finish.
If you’re a homeowner looking to give your exterior walls a new look, try our Black Grit today! It will give your building the classic look it deserves and will protect you from the harsh effects of Mother Nature.